Mini Golf Farod –gateway to the Galilee. An attraction in the galilee for everyone!
Mini golf Farod, is where people of all ages, young and young at heart came together to enjoy themselves, against the natural backdrop of the Galilee.
At Mini golf Farod there is more than just mini golf, there is something for everyone, an 18 hole European style mini golf course suitable for all ages 6 onwards, Paintball Shoot a paintball shooting
gallery, outdoor bowls and as well as for the small children a play tent kibbutz style and during the holiday seasons much more activities for the children.
While the children are busy the parents can relax and enjoy the view of the Galilee and the natural surroundings at mini golf Farod. An ideal venue and Galilean attraction for family get togethers. No better way to start or finish your Galilean experience.
In the summer months, Mini golf Farod is open during the evenings, and a combined ticket with the pool is available, but best is to call beforehand.
In addition there is a deck overlooking the view of wadi farod, where one can enjoy either an ice cream, a coffee or one of the specialities of the country kiosk Belgium waffle a favorite, or a natural fruit pri-shake.
No need to play mini golf to enjoy the famous ice cream palour and deck at Farod, the view is free and there is no entrance fee at Mini golf Farod.
Mini golf Farod , is to be found at the entrance to Kibbutz Parod on the Akko to Zefat road 15 minutes before Meron. (see map)
For further details and group enquiries give Lilach a call on 050-8697802